Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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6301 Stevenson Ave #301, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed For Sale

Entry-Level Residence $315,000 ⁙ Alexandria VA 22304

What's your prequalified spending limit? Can you afford $350,000? Or is your budget closer to $300,000? This residence in 22304 is available for $315,000. If you're shopping your selections in 22304 in the City of Alexandria and your property buying budget is circa $300,000, you may want to email Julie Nesbitt about what's available in the Alexandria area. Continue reading "6301 Stevenson Ave #301, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed For Sale"
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5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #1404, Alexandria Real Estate Update

2 Bedroom in 22304 Asking $240,000

Is it crazy to pay $240,000 for an affordable mid 20th-century condo like 5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #1404 in 22304 in the City of Alexandria? Indeed, you may want to know more about the schools. Still, Nesbitt Realty can provide information to help you learn more about Patrick Henry Elementary School, and Alexandria City, and Thomas Jefferson High Schools. As a matter of fact, there are other problems which can be challenging to overcome.  But, a real estate professional like Nesbitt can manage and overcome problems  associated with buying a home in Alexandria, Virginia. Continue reading "5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #1404, Alexandria Real Estate Update"
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, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

Interesting Condo /// Alexandria VA 22312

Purchasing real estate in Alexandria not unlike is possibly the most important monetary decision most residents of the City of Alexandria will ever make. Further, as a genuine ace with experience working in The City of Alexandria, Nesbitt Realty will be a strong adviser who understands the informational and emotional support that home shoppers need if spotting and buying a $243,999 home in 22312 in Alexandria. Indeed, there are other pitfalls which can be challenging to overcome.  But even so, a real estate professional like Nesbitt can manage and overcome dangers  associated with buying a dwelling in 22312. Continue reading ", Alexandria Real Estate Announcement"
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6301 Stevenson Ave #1109, Alexandria VA 22304 Advertised For Sale

Alexandria Virginia On The Market /// $239,000

Are You Trying To Find No Less Than 1,000 Sqft Of Residence In Alexandria, Virginia?

At a price of $239,000, 6301 Stevenson Ave #1109, Alexandria VA is an intriguing home compared to other homes selling now. But, compare 6301 Stevenson Ave #1109 to others in the area that have around 1,025 sqft of living area. Continue reading "6301 Stevenson Ave #1109, Alexandria VA 22304 Advertised For Sale"
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6300 Stevenson Ave #911, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed

Would You Be Willing To Spend $250,000 For A 2-bedroom Unit/Flat-style Condo In Alexandria, Virginia?

So, is 6300 Stevenson Ave #911 the home for you? It could be. But, you have to ask yourself these questions. Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths? Are you seeking a $258,000 property in 22304? Can you afford $258,000? Is it actually worth $270,900 or $245,100? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $785 on this purchase? To tour this 2-bedroom Unit/Flat-style place of residence, contact a buyers agent similar to Nesbitt Realty. We is the guru on real estate in 22304. Continue reading "6300 Stevenson Ave #911, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed"
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5500 Holmes Run Pkwy #1006, Alexandria Real Estate Update

$350,000 ※ Alexandria VA 22304 - Comparables and Suggestions

Buying real estate in the City of Alexandria comparable to 5500 Holmes Run Pkwy #1006 is possibly the largest money expense a person will make. Moreover, as a local ace with market knowledge about properties such as 5500 Holmes Run Pkwy #1006, Will Nesbitt knows the sympathetic and explanatory backing that home buyers need if digging up and purchasing a condo in 22304 in the City of Alexandria. Actually, there are always risks in The City of Alexandria real estate.  Above all, a professional ace like Will can guide you to manage or avoid many of the dangers  associated with buying a property in 22304 in the City of Alexandria. Continue reading "5500 Holmes Run Pkwy #1006, Alexandria Real Estate Update"
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351 S Pickett St, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed

Townhouse at Townes of Hillwood

Is there reason to worry, when shelling out $573,000 for a dwelling like 351 S Pickett St in 22304 in the City of Alexandria? Furthermore, you might find something you don't like in the Townes of Hillwood association documents. Conversely, Monika Ortiz can explain to you how to void the contract with no issues so that you don't get stuck in an association that doesn't benefit you the home hunter. Of course, there are many problems to avoid and overcome. But even so, a real estate professional comparable to Monika Ortiz has the answers and can help reduce your heartburn from the buying process. Continue reading "351 S Pickett St, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed"
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Surprising Suggestions For Property Seekers Trying To Find A Premium Townhouse In 22304

When you buy a residence, the home is yours. That means, you can decorate any way you want and choose the types of upgrades and new amenities that appeal to you and to your lifestyle in the City of Alexandria. If you are considering a purchase of a conspicuous premium townhouse in 22304, your selections might be limited right now. 351 S Pickett St might be the best choice for you, but we have a few more suggestions below. Continue reading "Surprising Suggestions For Property Seekers Trying To Find A Premium Townhouse In 22304"

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