Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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6301 Stevenson Ave #1517, Alexandria VA 22304 For Sale

4 Bedroom in 22304 For $565,000

There are search for details that weigh in a buyer client's mind, but perhaps none more important than price. 6301 Stevenson Ave #1517 Alexandria VA 22304 has 4 bedrooms and 2,180 sqft. This home is for sale for $565,000. If you've set your budget near $565,000 and you're looking in 22304 you may want to take into account a real estate purchase at 6301 Stevenson Ave #1517. Continue reading "6301 Stevenson Ave #1517, Alexandria VA 22304 For Sale"
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6301 Stevenson Ave #206, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed

2 Bedroom in Olympus Incl For $285,000

Modest Condo For $285,000 in 22304 in Alexandria

6301 Stevenson Ave #206, Alexandria VA was recently listed for sale and is listed for sale for $285,000. Accordingly, you may want to think about this condo (depending upon your pre-approved price limit). Compare 6301 Stevenson Ave #206 to others similarly-sized residences in 22304 in the City of Alexandria. Continue reading "6301 Stevenson Ave #206, Alexandria VA 22304 Listed"
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Pursuing A Small Budget Property

If you are looking for an unique small budget property, 6301 Stevenson Ave #505 should probably be on your list. But it's not the only small budget property you'll want to think about in 22304 in the City of Alexandria. If you have questions about this property in The City of Alexandria, contact Nesbitt Realty. We can help. This budget condo available at 6301 Stevenson Ave #505 now might be the best choice of property for you for you. Continue reading "Pursuing A Small Budget Property"
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6301 Stevenson Ave #803, Alexandria VA 22304 Advertised For Sale

How Much Is A Small 1-Bedroom Home In 22304?

It’s a good idea to learn all you can about condos in the 22304 in the City of Alexandria area if you’re considering purchasing a residence comparable to 6301 Stevenson Ave #803.

The Alexandria Area Bits of Information

  • The average days on market in the Alexandria area is 61 days.
  • The average living area in the Alexandria area is 1,489 sqft. On the other hand, 6301 Stevenson Ave #803 has 810 sqft of living area.
  • The Alexandria Area has an average price per square foot of $417 . On the other hand, 6301 Stevenson Ave #803 is $271 per sqft.
  • Did you know that masonry is the most common type of exterior in the Alexandria area?
  • 4600 Duke St #508 is the least expensive home in the Alexandria area. 4600 Duke St #508 is listed for $1,650. Nevertheless, 607-601 Oronoco St is the highest-priced home in the Alexandria area. 607-601 Oronoco St is asking $5,995,000.
  • The median age of homes in the Alexandria area is 47 years. 6301 Stevenson Ave #803 is 47 years old.
Indeed, this info is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. In contrast, this info will change.  What is true and accurate today, 11/14/2021, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Will Nesbitt for the latest real estate information from the Alexandria area or for information about properties not unlike 6301 Stevenson Ave #803. Continue reading "6301 Stevenson Ave #803, Alexandria VA 22304 Advertised For Sale"
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6301 Stevenson Ave #712, Alexandria Real Estate Update

Conspicuous 2-BR Home - Alexandria VA 22304

Well ... is 6301 Stevenson Ave #712 the ideal condo for you? Frankly, Julie Nesbitt really doesn't know.  That is, unless you answer a series of questions. Are you trying to find a $245,000 2-bedroom residence in 22304? Are you shopping for a $245,000 Traditional-style property in Alexandria, Virginia? Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths? Can you afford $245,000? Is it actually worth $280,000 or $220,000? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $714 on this home purchase? Do you have a specific need in 22304 in the City of Alexandria? Julie Nesbitt can help. Continue reading "6301 Stevenson Ave #712, Alexandria Real Estate Update"
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6301 Stevenson Ave #1207, Alexandria VA 22304 For Sale

$198,000 /// Alexandria Virginia 22304

Are You Dreaming About No Less Than 1,000 Sqft Of Home In 22304 in the City of Alexandria?

Depending upon your prequalified spending limit, you might want to contemplate this property at 6301 Stevenson Ave #1207 which is listed for $198,000. However, consider that the average living area of residences in the 22304 area is 1,259. Continue reading "6301 Stevenson Ave #1207, Alexandria VA 22304 For Sale"

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